Use Permit Application No. 17-00006 by Superior Pawn Company I LLC to permit a pawn shop at 100 W. Mercury Boulevard, which is bound by Mercury Boulevard and Doolittle Road LRSN: 8005717
Background Statement:
The Use Permit Application No. 17-0006 is a request by Jay Dunbar, a manager of Superior Pawn I LLC, to permit a pawn shop at 100 W. Mercury Boulevard [LRSN: 8005717]. The subject property contains .26+ acres, with an existing building of 3,748+ square feet. The current business operation is located at 104 W. Mercury Boulevard, and the applicant is looking to renovate the building at 100 W. Mercury Boulevard and relocate the current business operation to the subject property. The business operation will provide lending options, requiring property/assets from merchants in order to obtain a loan. The requested operating hours are from Monday through Saturday 9AM-6PM and Sunday 12PM-5PM.
The subject property is currently zoned C-2 (Limited Commercial) District. In the Hampton Zoning Ordinance, C-2 is a commercial zoning classification that allows for pawn shop business operations, subject to approval of a Use Permit. In addition to the regulations found in the Zoning Ordinance, there are two policy documents that provide guidance in review of this application. The Hampton Community Plan (2006, as amended) recommends commercial land use for this site and most of the properties lining W. Mercury Boulevard. It recommends High Density Residential for properties north of the subject site. The Community Plan recommends promoting high quality site design and site planning that is compatible with surrounding development and nurturing small and start-up businesses. The second policy document is the North King Street Master Plan, (2007). The Master Plan recommends commercial uses for the subject property.
Staff has identified several conditions based on the location and operational characteristics of the proposed use. A condition limiting the hours of operation from Sunday to Saturday 8AM-8PM is attached to this use permit application. Another condition limits the proposed use to 100 W. Mercury Boulevard. If approved, the Use Permit remains valid so long as the use does not lapse for longer than two years, regardless of any changes in ownership or operator. Other conditions attached to this Use Permit application address: the requirement of obtaining all applicable licenses and permits; capacity, a revocation clause for failure to comply with any of the conditions, and other standard conditions typically attached to a use permit for a pawn shop.
A request from the applicant was for the city to waive Condition #3 that states, “[t]he pawn shop operation shall be conducted wholly within an enclosed building. There shall be no outdoor display or sales of merchandise.” The purpose for the request is so that large merchandise that cannot be stored within the building, such as: vehicles, generators, and the like can be placed outside until the items are sold. All previously approved use permits for pawn shops included Condition #3 and did not permit the outdoor display or sales of merchandise. In an effort to remain consistent with previously approved pawn shops, and since used vehicle sales are not permitted in C-2 and there appears to be no positive public purpose in specifically permitting outdoor sales and displays at this location, staff continues to support the inclusion of Condition #3.
The proposed use permit with the recommended conditions is consistent with the City’s goals and policies, as outlined in the Hampton Community Plan (2006, as amended) and other policy documents.
Staff Recommendation:
Approve with 6 conditions
Planning Commission Recommendation:
Approve with 6 conditions