Rezoning Application No. 16-00005 by the City of Hampton to rezone 26.4± acres including LRSN 13003694, a portion of LRSN 13003672 (the portion including but not limited to the buildings addressed as 81 Patch Road and 351, 355, 359, 363 and 367 Fenwick Road) and a portion of LRSN 13003682 (the approximately 1.5 acre triangular-shaped portion located at the easternmost edge of the parcel, containing a portion of the Patch Road baseball field), as shown on the attached map, from One Family Residential (R-13) District to Fort Monroe Wherry Quarter (FM-4) District
Background Statement:
The Hampton Community Plan (2006, as amended) recommends military land use for this area but is proposed to be amended by concurrently-advertised Fort Monroe Land Use Plan (2016), which recommends mixed uses with a focus on hospitality for this area. This rezoning is a zoning map amendment that identifies the boundaries of the new FM-4 zoning district and accompanies the adoption of the zoning ordinance text amendments associated with Fort Monroe including ZOAs 182-2016, 183-2016, 184-2016, 185-2016, 186-2016, and 187-2016. Together, all of the amendments will constitute a new base zoning district for this part of Fort Monroe.
Rezoning Application No. 16-00005, as well as the accompanying zoning ordinance amendments, implements the recommendations of the Fort Monroe Land Use Plan (2016) which was developed in response to the closure of Fort Monroe as a military base. The plan recognizes the establishment of the Fort Monroe National Monument, identifies a new mixed-use community, and recommends the preservation of the historic and natural resources found on the Fort Monroe property.
Specifically, this proposal would rezone a portion of Fort Monroe from One Family Residential (R-13) District to Fort Monroe Wherry Quarter (FM-4) District. The intent of the FM-4 District is to promote uses that support the enjoyment of the historical, recreational, cultural and educational resources of Fort Monroe.
This rezoning is part of a recommendation to amend the Hampton Community Plan (2006 as amended), rezone the Fort Monroe property, and amend the Hampton zoning ordinance to support the closure and reuse of Fort Monroe. The Hampton Community Plan amendment (CPA 16-00001) will establish the Fort Monroe Land Use Plan (2016). The proposed rezonings include: RZ 16-00002, RZ 16-00003, RZ 16-00004, RZ 16-00005, and RZ 16-00006. The proposed zoning ordinance amendments include: ZOA 182-2016, ZOA 183-2016, ZOA 184-2016, ZOA 185-2016, ZOA 186-2016, and ZOA 187-2016.
Staff Recommendation:
Planning Commission Recommendation: