Resolution Authorizing the Renewal of a Use Agreement Between the City of Hampton and the Newtown Improvement and Civic Club, Inc. to Use the Little England Cultural Center Located at 3922 Kecoughtan Road
The City is the owner of the Little England Cultural Center located at 3922 Kecoughtan Road (the “Center”). The City staffs and operates the Center as a community resource. In previous years, the City established a relationship with the Newtown Improvement and Civic Club, Inc. (“Newtown”) to promote recreational and cultural opportunities through community involvement. The most recent agreement between the City and Newtown expired in 2019. Recently, City staff and Newtown have been discussing the reestablishment of the relationship through an updated Use Agreement. The attached Use Agreement has been reviewed and approved by Newtown, City staff is waiting to receive an executed copy from Newtown.
Under the Use Agreement, the City and Newtown would coordinate on the staffing and operation of the Facility as a community resource for recreational, educational, and cultural enrichment programs to improve the quality of life and safety of residents. The general terms and conditions of the Use Agreement are similar to those of other neighborhood center use agreements. For example, Newtown has certain responsibilities related to programming at the Center and must maintain appropriate insurance and financial records. In this situation, the City will be responsible for maintaining the master schedule for the Center, with input from Newtown, as well as staffing and operation of the City’s own programs at the Center. The term would commence on February 1, 2023 and continue for an initial two (2)-year term with the option for one (1) additional three (3)-year renewal term. These term options were selected with the idea that an initial two-year term is sufficient time to determine if the arrangement is operating as both parties intend before committing to additional time. In addition to standard termination language in the event of a breach of the terms of the Use Agreement, either party may terminate the Use Agreement without cause by providing ninety (90) days written notice to the other party.
See Purpose/Background above.
No fiscal impact.
1. Conduct a Public Hearing.
2. Approve the Resolution.
WHEREAS, the City of Hampton (the “City”) is the owner of the Little England Cultural Center located at 3922 Kecoughtan Road (the “Center”);
WHEREAS, the City staffs and operates the Center as a community resource for educational, cultural enrichment programs, and recreational programs, to improve the quality of life for its residents;
WHEREAS, in previous years the City established a relationship with the Newtown Improvement and Civic Club, Inc. (“Newtown”) to promote recreational and cultural opportunities through community involvement;
WHEREAS, the previous agreement between the City and Newtown has expired and the City and Newtown desire to enter into a new use agreement (the “Use Agreement”) to reestablish the relationship and enable Newtown to use the Center and promote recreational and cultural opportunities through community involvement;
WHEREAS, the Use Agreement would commence on February 1, 2023 and continue for an initial two (2)-year term with the option for one (1) additional three (3)-year renewal term;
WHEREAS, in accordance with Sections 15.2-1800 and 15.2-2100 of the Code of Virginia, a public hearing was held concerning the Use Agreement; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the Use Agreement is in the best interest of the City and its citizens, and that the terms and conditions of the Use Agreement are fair, reasonable, and acceptable.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Hampton, Virginia, that it approves the Use Agreement with the Newtown Improvement and Civic Club, Inc. for the use of the Little England Cultural Center located at 3922 Kecoughtan Road; and accordingly, the City Manager, or her authorized designee, is hereby authorized to execute and deliver to Newtown, the Use Agreement, and any related documents, in substantially the same form as attached hereto, upon approval by the City Attorney.