Comprehensive Plan Amendment No. 16-00001 to consider the Fort Monroe Land Use Plan (2016) as an amendment to the Hampton Community Plan (2006, as amended) to reflect the closure of Fort Monroe as a military installation and the reuse of portions of the property for mixed-use development
Background Statement:
In 2005, the Defense Base Realignment and Closure Commission (BRAC) recommended that Fort Monroe cease to be used as an Army installation. Originally known as “Old Point Comfort”, the Fort property has a history of fortification that dates back to the early 1600’s. Fort Monroe was declared a National Historic Landmark in 1960. Since 2005, the BRAC process at Fort Monroe has resulted in the achievement of several key milestones:
-Creation of a State agency to manage the closure and reuse process (Fort Monroe Authority)
-Development of a Programmatic Agreement to ensure preservation of historic buildings
-Establishment of the Fort Monroe National Monument
-Transfer of a majority of Fort property to the State and the National Park Service
-Development by the FMA of a Land Use Master Plan and a Capital Improvement Plan
As a result of the 2005 BRAC, the Hampton Community Plan (2006 as amended) identifies Fort Monroe as one of the City’s strategic investment areas (master plan areas). The Community Plan supports re-use planning for Fort Monroe to ensure that the Fort “remains a positive presence within the community”. The recently adopted FMA plan for Fort Monroe recommends a mix of uses with the sale of some State-owned properties to private owners. Private property ownership on Fort Monroe will make some areas on the Fort subject to the planning and zoning authority of the City of Hampton.
The Fort Monroe Land Use Plan (2016) is being proposed now as an amendment to the Hampton Community Plan (2006 as amended) to support the closure and reuse of Fort Monroe. The proposed plan amendment recognizes the establishment of the Fort Monroe National Monument, identifies a new mixed-use community with private land ownership, and recommends the preservation of the historic and natural resources found on the Fort Monroe property. Policy recommendations are made in these key areas:
Governance & Regulatory Structure
Historic & Cultural Significance
Recreational Resources
Environmental Resources
National Monument Gateway
Employment Opportunities
Housing Opportunities
Land Use
This proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment, (CPA 16-00001) is accompanied by recommendations to rezone the Fort Monroe property and amend the Hampton zoning ordinance to further support the closure and reuse process. The proposed rezonings include: RZ 16-00002, RZ 16-00003, RZ 16-00004, RZ 16-00005, and RZ 16-00006. The proposed zoning ordinance amendments include: ZOA 182-2016, ZOA 183-2016, ZOA 184-2016, ZOA 185-2016, ZOA 186-2016, and ZOA 187-2016.
Staff Recommendation:
Approve with the Wherry Quarter Revision dated March 1, 2016 concerning residential uses and the Inner Fort Revision dated February 2015 concerning Public Open Space.
Planning Commission Recommendation: Approve with the Wherry Quarter Revision dated March 1, 2016 concerning residential uses and the Inner Fort Revision dated February 2015 concerning Public Open Space.