HOME-ARP Allocation Plan & Plan Year 2021-2022 Annual Action Plan Amendment
The purpose of the public hearing is to accept final public comment and to appropriate a plan for HOME-ARP funds in the Plan Year (PY) 2021 - 2022 Annual Action Plan to support eligible program activities limited to: Affordable Rental Housing, Supportive Services, Tenant Based Rental Assistance, and Non-congregate Shelters. The two key funding priorities identified in Hampton’s allocation plan are to create quality affordable rental housing and to increase access to supportive services for qualified populations.
In 2021, Congress appropriated $5 billion in ARP funds to be administered through HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) program to address the need for homelessness assistance and supportive services within communities. The City of Hampton was allocated $1,954,965 in HOME-ARP funds to support eligible activities for qualifying populations. In order to expend HOME-ARP funds, the City must develop and submit an Allocation Plan to HUD for review and approval. The approved Allocation Plan will constitute a substantial amendment to the City’s PY 2021-2022 Annual Action Plan.
To address the needs identified in this planning process, the City of Hampton proposes to direct HOME-ARP funds towards (1) the development and support of affordable housing; (2) supportive services targeting homelessness, food supplementation and rental assistance; and (3) non-profit operational costs related to implementation of HOME-ARP initiatives. Upon approval of the allocation by HUD, the City of Hampton will seek applications from service providers whose mission aligns with the eligible activities the City wishes to pursue in order to implement related projects.
The proposed allocation plan will help to further the goals of Hampton's FY2021-FY2025 Consolidated Housing Plan and the goals of the Community Plan related to ensuring safe and affordable housing for vulnerable populations.
Public Hearing and Adoption of Plan Amendments by Motion 03/08/2023.