Resolution to Amend the City Council Approved FY2024 Budget to Accept and Appropriate $247,739 from the Virginia Department of Transportation in additional State of Good Repair Funds to the Capital Fund (Capital Projects Fund) for Three Existing Projects
At the City’s request the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) has allocated additional State of Good Repair Funding for three existing projects that City Council has previously approved: Libbey Street Resurfacing Project - West County Street from Woodland Road to Libbey Street ($80,860), Mercury Boulevard West Resurfacing Project - Eastbound Pennwood to Martha Lee Drive ($102,703), and Mercury Boulevard West Resurfacing Project - Westbound Pennwood to Kinsmen Way ($64,176). These projects will enhance transportation within the City of Hampton.
Net impact of $247,739 in federal and state funds will be added to the Libbey Street Resurfacing Project and two Mercury Boulevard West Resurfacing Projects.
Approve Resolution
WHEREAS, in accordance with the Virginia Department of Transportation (“VDOT”) project allocation procedures, the City Council must request, by resolution, that VDOT appropriate funds to highway projects in the City of Hampton (“City”);
WHEREAS, the City Council requested and VDOT has agreed to transfer to the City the sum of $247,739 in State of Good Repair funding for the Libbey Street Resurfacing Project, UPC 121039 ($80,860); Mercury Boulevard West Resurfacing Project, UPC 121040 ($102,703); and Mercury Boulevard West Resurfacing Project, UPC 121113 ($64,176), (collectively referred to as the "Projects");
WHEREAS, these funds were not previously included in the Fiscal Year 2024 City Council Approved Budget; and
WHEREAS, VDOT will pay those funds to the City on a reimbursement basis following the expenditure of City funds.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HAMPTON, VIRGINIA that it amends the Fiscal Year 2024 City Council Approved Budget and hereby agrees to accept from VDOT $247,739 in additional State of Good Repair funding and appropriates those funds to the Capital Fund (Capital Projects Fund) for the following Projects:
a.) Libbey Street Resurfacing Project, UPC 121039 ($80,860)
b.) Mercury Boulevard West Resurfacing Project, UPC 121040 ($102,703)
c.) Mercury Boulevard West Resurfacing Project, UPC 121113 ($64,176); and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Manager, or her authorized designee, is hereby authorized to take any and all necessary actions to carry out the purposes of this Resolution, subject to the approval by the City Attorney.