Resolution to Accept and Appropriate the 2019 Foster Grandparent Program Grant through the Corporation for National and Community Services
The purpose of this resolution is to accept and appropriate Federal grant funds and contributions to permit continuation of the Foster Grandparent Program through the Corporation for National and Community Services.
The Hampton Department of Social Services was awarded the first Corporation for National and Community Services ("CNCS") grant in 1972 and has since been received in each subsequent year (See Hampton City Council File No. 17-0253; Resolution adopted August 9, 2017).
CNCS is an independent, federal grant - making government agency, whose mission is to improve lives, strengthen communities, and foster civic participation though services and volunteers. For nearly 20 years, CNCS through its programs; Senior Corps, Ameri Corp, Volunteer Generational Fund ("VGF") and Social Innovation Fund ("SIF") has helped to engage millions of citizens in meeting community and national challenges through services and volunteer action. CNCS provides grants to national and local non-profits, schools, government agencies, faith-based and other community organizations, and other groups committed to strengthening their community through volunteering.
The Senior Corps incorporates the long standing Foster Grandparent Volunteer Program. The foster grandparents are role models, mentors and friends to children with exceptional needs. The program provides a way for volunteers 55 and over to stay active serving children and youth in their communities. Where personal attention helps our young people mature, gain confidence, and become full and productive members of society. The Foster Grandparent Program on the Peninsula has served the cities of Hampton, Newport News, Williamsburg and the counties of York and James City since 1972.
Continuation of the Peninsula Foster Grandparent Program will ensure the 105 foster grandparents will be available to provide services to children that build positive relationships across generations. They serve in community organizations such as schools (supporting over 600 teachers), faith-based child-care centers and Head Start Programs.
The grant encompasses three (3) funding sources, (1) an award of federal funds from CNCS in the amount of $345,222, (2) a contribution from the City of Newport News in the amount of $20,000 and (3) a City of Hampton contribution of $69,770 to be funded through a specific appropriation of the general "Grant Matching Funds" account approved as part of the FY19 Council Approved Budget.
The Hampton City Schools Strategic Plan (adopted August 19, 2015) stresses the correlation of "creating safe, nurturing environments, enhancing family and community engagement and maintaining effective, efficient and innovative support systems (both students and employees)" to increase achievement for students.
Federal funds in the amount of $345,222, Hampton local match $69,770, Newport New contribution $20,000; total $434,992.
Approve the Resolution
WHEREAS, the Corporation for National and Community Service has awarded a 2018-2019 (Continuation) Foster Grandparent Program Grant (the"Grant") in the amount of $345,222:
WHEREAS, the Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Foster Grandparent Program Grant is year 2 of a multi-year non-compete grant 3 year cycle;
WHEREAS, the Foster Grandparent Program (the "Program") will provide limited income and other benefits to qualified senior citizens on the Peninsula with the opportunities to volunteer to serve and mentor children;
WHEREAS, the Foster Grandparent Program Grant requires local matching funds to be provided by the Cities of Hampton and Newport News; and
WHEREAS, the specified use of those grant funds are in keeping with the goals and responsibilities of the City of Hampton and the Corporation for National and Community Service.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Hampton, Virginia:
1. accepts (a) grant funds in the amount of $345,222 from the Corporation for National and Community Service; (b) $20,000 from the City of Newport News; and (c) the obligation to contribute $69,770 from the City of Hampton funds;
2. appropriates the combined total of $434,992 for use by the Peninsula Foster Grandparent Program;
3. accepts and appropriates any supplemental grant awards made from the Corporation for National and Community Service in accordance with the grant agreement;
4. accepts and appropriates any donations designated for the purposes of the Grant; and
5. accepts and appropriates any local reserve funds designated for the purposes of the Grant by the Foster Grandparents Advisory Council.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council authorizes the City Manager or her designee to take the necessary actions to implement this grant award.