Resolution Approving the City of Hampton, Virginia's Participation in and Appropriation of the FY15 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant through the Department of Criminal Justice Services' One Time Training and Equipment Program
The DCJS "One Time Training and Equipment Grant" provides one time funds to pay for equipment and or training and related expenses that will help the Hampton Police Division continue to move towards the “21st Century Policing” model.
The total funding for this grant project is $10,000.00 with $9,500.00 of that being grant funds and a $500.00 cash match/contribution required which will come from the Hampton Police Division’s operating budget. The grant funds will be used for two training opportunities.
The first training will send Hampton Police recruiters to a recruiting school that will focus on the effective recruitment of potential officer candidates with an emphasis on attracting minority candidates and millennials. Recruiting more minorities and millennials will create further diversity and a better representation of the community that The Hampton Police Division serves within its ranks.
The second training opportunity will send representatives from the Hampton Police Division along with at least one non-police representative of the community to the annual Problem Oriented Policing (POP) Conference which will be held in a yet to be determined location. The POP Conference addresses issues facing Law Enforcement Agencies and Communities while providing new strategies, theories, and concepts to create and maintain community partnerships. With citizens and Police personnel attending the conference together we can further the efforts of HPD to build valuable partnerships within the community.
The financial match will have a minimal impact on the budget. The training opportunities that this grant will provide will contribute to better community partnerships and the provision of better police services for the citizens of Hampton.
Approve resolution
WHEREAS, the City of Hampton has been awarded funds from the FY15 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant via the Department of Criminal Justice Services in the amount of $9,500.00 in Federal funds with a $500.00 match required; and
WHEREAS, the grant award covers the period January 1, 2016 through September 30, 2016;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Hampton accepts and appropriates the FY15 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant, and any supplemental funding, via the Department of Criminal Justice Services’ One Time Training and Equipment Grant in accordance with the grant agreement;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council authorizes the City Manager or her designee to take the necessary steps to implement this grant award.