File #: 25-0076    Version: 2 Name: Rezoning 1644 Briarfield Road
Type: Zoning Ordinance - Map Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 2/19/2025 In control: Planning Commission
On agenda: 3/20/2025 Final action:
Title: Rezoning Application No. 25-0076 by the Hampton Redevelopment and Housing Authority to Rezone +/- 0.795 Acres at 1644 Briarfield Road [LRSN: 1007646] from Multifamily Residential (MD-1) District with Conditions to Multifamily Residential (MD-1) District with Conditions for a Group Home, Juvenile Residence, or Shelter
Indexes: , ,
Attachments: 1. Application, 2. Proffer Agreement, 3. Staff Report, 4. Presentation
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Rezoning Application No. 25-0076 by the Hampton Redevelopment and Housing Authority to Rezone +/- 0.795 Acres at 1644 Briarfield Road [LRSN: 1007646] from Multifamily Residential (MD-1) District with Conditions to Multifamily Residential (MD-1) District with Conditions for a Group Home, Juvenile Residence, or Shelter



Background Statement:

Rezoning Application No. 25-0076 is a request to rezone the parcel located at 1644 Briarfield Road from the Multifamily Residential (MD-1) District with conditions to the Multifamily Residential (MD-1) District with conditions. The existing rezoning currently limits the use of the property to a group home 2 and public/private educational or recreational uses. The purpose of this rezoning is to amend the existing proffers to permit the following uses in order to serve a broader range of community needs:  group home 1, group home 2, juvenile residence, and shelter.  The existing 7,969 square foot facility includes living spaces, common areas, kitchen and dining area, laundry facilities, and office space. Although some exterior and interior renovations are expected, there will not be significant changes to the building overall. Additional details of the proposed development can be found in the application and staff report.


The Hampton Community Plan (2006, as amended) recommends public/semi-public land use for the subject property.  The Plan addresses the provision of meeting targeted needs of both city residents and visitors to include those with special needs.  In addition, the Plan supports promoting partnerships with private, non-profit, and government agencies as well as promoting the reinvestment and preservation of existing facilities and sites.  The proffered conditions limit the use of the site and protect the architectural quality of the building, including fencing and site lighting that would mitigate any potential negative impacts.




Staff Recommendation:

Approve with ten (10) proffered conditions