Use Permit Application by Terry Riddick to Operate a Private Club/Lodge at 20 W Mercury Boulevard [LRSN 8001841]
Background Statement:
This use permit application is a request to operate a private club/lodge within an existing commercial building, located at 20 W. Mercury Boulevard [LRSN 8001841]. The proposed hours of operation provided by the applicant are: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, daily, for main office hours and youth programs and activities; and 7:00 PM to 11:30 PM, Friday, and 1:00 PM to 11:30 PM, Saturday, for fundraising events/activities.
The proposed private club/lodge would be for the daily operation and events of “Best Kept Secret - Stop the Violence,” a fundraising and charity organization whose intent is to advocate for and provide resources to at risk youth of the city. Their stated mission is to keep youth focused on education and to help them make right decisions, encouraging them to choose better alternatives. This organization has been run by the applicant, Terry Riddick, and his family since 2005 with the help of short-term donations, long-term funding, and volunteer time. Daily activities of the facility include mentoring and counseling young people as well accepting donations and distributing resources. In addition, the applicant intends to host fundraising events, primarily on the weekends. Such events include Christmas toy drive and giveaway, charity donation drives, and fundraising dinners. Although a typical charitable organization would be categorized as an office land use, this variety of events, including dinners and late evening functions, hosted on-site by the organization are what makes its function more similar to the private club/lodge land use.
The Hampton Community Plan (2006, as amended) recommends commercial land use for this site and the immediate surrounding area. The Plan sets out a vision that “Hampton will thrive as a diverse community which celebrates, supports, and encourages positive people to people relations as a foundation for community success,” and establishes policies that support this vision. The proposed lodge is in alignment with these policies and vision of the Hampton Community Plan.
Although parking on-site is limited there is a current shared parking agreement with 1109 N. King Street for 25 parking spaces within a parking area located in the rear of the property, directly across Doolittle Road from the subject site at 20 W. Mercury Blvd. This parking agreement carries forward from the previous use of the 20 W. Mercury Blvd. as a restaurant.
If this application is approved, staff recommends thirteen (13) conditions that address issuance of permit, hours of operation, capacity, parking, security, and sound; as well as potential live entertainment and gaming operations, and third party events. Based on the analysis of this application, the proposed use permit is consistent with the City’s goals and policies, as outlined in the Hampton Community Plan (2006, as amended). The recommended hours of operation are consistent with previously approved private club/lodge use permit applications. A community meeting was held on Monday, June 14, 2021. Although supporters of the organization were in attendance, no one from the community attended the meeting. A letter of opposition from a nearby resident is included in this package and staff has received three (3) additional phone calls from nearby residents, expressing their opposition. One speaker spoke in support of the application at the Planning Commission meeting; however, no one spoke in opposition to the application at the meeting.
The Planning Commission asked numerous questions during the public hearing in order gain a fuller understanding of the variety of activities that occur on the site. The Commissioner's appeared satisfied with the answers as they voted to recommend approval of the application with the proposed conditions.
Update Since Planning Commission: On July 6, 2021 the property owner at 1109 N. King Street provided written notice that he was terminating the parking agreement. Without the use of the referenced 25 spaces, the proposed private club/lodge would not be compliant with the zoning ordinance parking requirements. Should City Council be inclined to approve the proposed use permit, staff has included a redlined, amended version of the conditions that address the parking situation. This condition would limit the capacity to an amount served by the remaining available spaces and includes a provision allowing an increase in the capacity if additional parking is provided at a later date. Also included in the package are the original conditions that Planning Commission voted 5-1 to approve at their June 17, 2021 meeting.
Staff Recommendation:
Approve with 13 conditions, as amended.
Planning Commission Recommendation:
Approve with 13 conditions.