Resolution to Amend the FY 2020 Council Approved Budget to Accept and Appropriate the 2020 Virginia Homeless Solutions Program Grant Amendment through the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development to Respond to a Statewide Call to Action to Support the Most At-Risk Homeless Populations During the Public Health Crisis Known as COVID-19
The Hampton Department of Human Services has been notified by the Virginia Department of Housing & Community Development (DHCD) that the Greater Virginia Peninsula Homeless Consortium (GVPHC) would receive $124,577.05 to assist in responding to COVID-19.
In accordance with the Virginia Homeless Solutions Program guidelines the funds are to be utilized for Emergency Shelter Operations (prioritizing individuals who are unsheltered and individuals who were required to leave shelter during the day). These emergency funds are dedicated to ensuring emergency homeless shelter providers are able to respond to the health and safety needs of individuals and households experiencing homelessness. This funding will support essential services staff and volunteers in providing coordinated community-based activities. Eligible activities include: Case Management and Supportive Services; Maintenance, Rent, Supplies, Utilities and Transportation. Case Management and Supportive Services include connecting unsheltered persons with shelter and supportive services, addressing the needs of guests utilizing hotel/motel vouchers, administering health/symptom screenings at shelter and connecting guests with significant health needs that cannot be served within the emergency shelter with more intensive support systems.
Hampton serves as the lead agency through which all GVPHC funding flows and is dispersed for the communities of Hampton, Newport News, Poquoson, James City County, York County and Williamsburg.
Hampton desires to accept the $124,577.05 and any additional allocations from the Virginia Department of Housing & Community Development to respond to a statewide call to action during this public health crisis, to support the most at-risk homeless populations.
No match funds are required by the City of Hampton.
Staff is requesting that City Council adopt the resolution approving allocations from the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development to respond to a statewide call to action during the public health crisis known as COVID-19 to support the most at-risk homeless populations.
WHEREAS, the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development has awarded a 2019-2020 Virginia Homeless Solutions Program Grant Amendment (the “Grant”) in the amount of $124,577.05 and may include additional allocations to the City of Hampton Department of Human Services (Social Services);
WHEREAS, the Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Virginia Homeless Solutions Program Grant is a multi-year grant with fiscal year 2020 being the second year;
WHEREAS, for the purposes of the Grant, Social Services partners with the James City County Office of Housing and Community Development, Hampton-Newport News Community Services Board, the Salvation Army Peninsula, Menchville House, LINK, Transitions, and a host of the Greater Virginia Peninsula Homelessness Consortium member agencies throughout the community ( collectively, the “Grant Partners”); and
WHEREAS, the City of Hampton is not obligated to provide any funding or an in-kind match in order to receive the Grant.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Hampton, Virginia (1) hereby amends the Fiscal Year 2020 Council Approved Budget to accept and appropriate the 2020 Virginia Homeless Solutions Program Grant Amendment through the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development in the amount of $124,577.05, and any supplemental funding, to the Grant Fund for the purposes set forth in the Grant Amendment; and, (2) accepts and approves cooperation and coordination with the Grant Partners in furtherance of the purposes of the Grant.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council authorizes the City Manager, or her designee, to take the necessary steps to implement this grant award amendment, including, but not limited to, the execution of a memorandum of understanding by and among Social Services and the Grant Partners, subject to review and approval by the City Attorney.