Use Permit Application No. 17-00013 is a request by PI Tower Development, LLC to permit the operation of a commercial communications tower at 1821 Cemetery Lane [LRSN: 1003669]
Background Statement:
Use Permit Application No. 17-00013 is a request to permit the operation of a commercial communications tower at 1821 Cemetery Lane [LRSN: 1003669], which is located within the cemetery property off of Kecoughtan Road. The property is currently vacant and zoned One-Family Residential District (R-11), which allows for a commercial communications tower with a use permit.
The applicant is proposing to construct a commercial communication tower that can accommodate at least three (3) users. The proposed tower would be a semi-flush monopole constructed of galvanized steel. The tower has an overall height of 155’, which includes the lightning rod and foundation. The tower and associated ground equipment will be located within a +/-2,500 square foot compound. The communications tower compound will be unmanned, with monthly site visits completed by technicians for maintenance purposes. The communications tower will not be lit or emit any odors, fumes, or glares. In addition to providing evidence of the coverage gap to demonstrate need for the tower, and the inability to locate on a more preferred site, the applicant also reached out to the Department of Historic Resources to confirm the proposed tower would not impact the status of the nearby neighborhood’s historically- contributing structures.
The Hampton Community Plan (2006, as amended) recommends low-density residential for this site and most of the surrounding properties, with the exception of the cemetery, where public/semi-public use is recommended. The Community Plan recommends encouraging the location of new communication towers in preferred sites based on a “placement hierarchy,” which prioritizes areas that will be least impacted by the construction of a tower. The most preferred sites are co-location on existing towers, tall buildings, and pre-approved school properties. While this proposal is not high on the preferred sites list, as part of the Community Plan and Zoning requirements, the applicant submitted documentation that demonstrated need for a new communication tower and that no site higher on the hierarchy met the needs to fill the coverage gap. The Community Plan also recognizes that there may be a need for communications technology with no available preferred sites nearby. In these instances, the plan provides guidance that the site should be well-landscaped and the tower unobtrusive. The applicant has addressed landscaping in their application, with additional notes that existing vegetation on the site will be preserved where possible, and the tower is monopole design, which is less impactful than a lattice tower.
If approved, staff is recommends twelve (12) conditions be attached to this application to mitigate any potential concerns about the use. These include constructing the tower to be able to support at least three carriers, limiting the height of the tower to 150’ feet plus the foundation and lightning rod, the installation of fencing around the compound, a conceptual site plan, required landscaping, and requirements for tower removal and maintaining no interference with the City’s public safety radio system.
This item was deferred from the February 15th Planning Commission meeting in order that the applicant supply additional information. The applicant was asked to provide information regarding the potential for increased coverage if the tower were constructed to a greater maximum height, as well as information on previous sites that were considered. The applicant has provided this information, as well as correspondence with the Virginia Department of Historic Resources which reviews the project under the National Historic Preservation Act. The VADHR does not support a height increase beyond 155’. Finally, the applicant has provided additional information on T-Mobile’s coverage goals, as well as propagation showing potential increased coverage if the tower were able to be 170’ and 199’ in height.
Staff Recommendation:
Approve with 12 conditions.
Planning Commission Recommendation:
Approve with 12 conditions.