Resolution in Opposition to Off-Shore Oil and Gas Exploration and Seeking the Same Exemption Provided to the State of Florida for the Hampton Roads Region
The U.S. Department of Interior's Bureau of Ocean Energy Management is now considering the next iteration of the five year oil and gas leasing program which includes considerations for off-shore drilling. The coast of Florida has been exempted from the possibility of off-shore drilling leases. Hampton Roads localities are very concerned that such leases in our area will negatively impact the military bases, tourism and the environment. The Hampton Roads Planning District Commission and Hampton Roads Military and Federal Facilities Commission have taken positions against off-shore drilling in our area and requested that local Councils do the same.
Approve the Resolution.
WHEREAS, the U.S. Department of the Interior is currently considering the next iteration of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management's Five Year Oil and Gas Leasing Program which includes considerations for off-shore drilling; and
WHEREAS, the Hampton Roads Region is home to both Langley Air Force Base and the Norfolk Naval Base both of which rely extensively on the surface and airspace ranges off Virginia's coast for readiness training and weapons testing activities; and
WHEREAS, the impacts of off-shore drilling may have on the military’s ability to conduct operations and training off the coast of Virginia; and
WHEREAS, concerns that allowing off shore drilling could jeopardize our region’s efforts to retain our air craft carriers, especially since the Florida coast is now excluded from off-shore drilling; and
WHEREAS, the Hampton Roads Planning District Commission estimates that the economic impact to our region of losing one carrier could approach $1 billion; and
WHEREAS, this loss far outweighs any economic benefit that might exist from off-shore drilling; and
WHEREAS, the potential impact of off-shore drilling could also have negative impact on our region’s tourism industry; and
WHEREAS, there are also concerns about the environmental impact to our local coastlines and waters,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hampton, Virginia that it hereby declares its opposition to off-shore drilling off the coast of Virginia, but at a minimum the Hampton Roads region so that we not impact our critical military bases, tourism industry or natural environment.