File #: 25-0011    Version: 1 Name: UP 1616 N Armistead Avenue Multi-Family
Type: Use Permits Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 1/13/2025 In control: Planning Commission
On agenda: 3/20/2025 Final action:
Title: Use Permit Application No. 25-0011 by Franklin Johnston Group Management & Development, LLC to Permit Multifamily Dwellings at 1616, 1616B, and 1612 N Armistead Avenue [LRSN: 7000335, 7000336, and 7000337]
Indexes: ,
Attachments: 1. Application, 2. Conditions, 3. Staff Report, 4. Presentation, 5. Applicant Presentation
Related files: 25-0010
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Use Permit Application No. 25-0011 by Franklin Johnston Group Management & Development, LLC to Permit Multifamily Dwellings at 1616, 1616B, and 1612 N Armistead Avenue [LRSN: 7000335, 7000336, and 7000337]



Background Statement:

Use Permit Application No. 25-0011 is a request to construct and operate multifamily dwelling units at 1616, 1616B, and 1612 N Armistead Avenue.  The property is currently zoned One Family Residential (R-11) District and is proposed to be rezoned to Multifamily Residential (MD-4) District with conditions, which would allow residential apartments with an approved use permit. More specifically, the proposed multifamily residential project includes 215 apartment units within five (5) buildings:  three (3,) 3-story buildings and two (2), 4-story buildings; and includes 346 parking spaces, including five (5) Level 2 electric vehicle charging stations.  Proposed community amenities include community bike racks, indoor bike storage, sidewalks throughout the development, a clubhouse with a pool, a fitness center, an outdoor grilling area, and a pedestrian trail.  Additional details of the proposed development can be found in the application and staff report.


The Hampton Community Plan (2006, as amended) and the Coliseum Central Master Plan (2015, as amended) both recommend mixed-use land use for the subject property.  Master Plan recommendations include encouraging new high-quality residential development in appropriate forms that relate to neighboring land uses and in walkable mixed-use districts and dense and upscale rental residential units that include a diverse mix of unit types.  Overall, locating multifamily residential units in this area of Hampton meets a number of Land Use and Community Design, Housing and Neighborhood, and Economic Development policies within the Community Plan and supports the improvement and long-term vitality of North Armistead Avenue.


This application is in conjunction with Rezoning Application No. 25-0010, which proposes to rezone the property to Multifamily Residential (MD-4) District with conditions, which would allow multifamily dwellings with an approved use permit.




Staff Recommendation:

Approve with eight (8) conditions