File #: 20-0011    Version: 1 Name: ZOA Langley Business Park (LBP) Development Standards
Type: Zoning Ordinance - Text Status: Passed
File created: 12/20/2019 In control: City Council Legislative Session
On agenda: 1/8/2020 Final action: 1/8/2020
Title: Ordinance To Amend And Re-Enact Chapter 8 Of The Zoning Ordinance Of The City Of Hampton, Virginia Entitled “Special Districts” By Adding Article IX - Langley Business Park District
Indexes: , , Economic Development Authority, Economic Vitality
Attachments: 1. Redline, 2. Setback Table Exhibit, 3. Presentation
Related files: 20-0010, 20-0012, 20-0009, 20-0015


Ordinance To Amend And Re-Enact Chapter 8 Of The Zoning Ordinance Of The City Of Hampton, Virginia Entitled “Special Districts” By Adding Article IX - Langley Business Park District




Background Statement:

This proposal would amend Chapter 8, by adding Article IX to create a new business/industrial special zoning district, Langley Business Park (LBP), for most parcels within the Langley Research and Development Park as well as certain adjacent properties, which are mostly currently zoned Limited Manufacturing (M-1) District.  The general purpose and intent of this district is to promote the development of a mix of office, distribution, light manufacturing, and support service uses within a modest campus setting.


This amendment is the culmination of a multiple year effort of staff, Planning Commission representatives, and property owners within the Langley Research and Development Park, working together to expand the number of allowed land uses within the park.  As the dynamics of the economy and workforce have changed over the decades, the limiting of the park primarily to research and development land uses had become antiquated and owners found it increasingly difficult to sell and lease their properties.  The central location of this District along the Magruder Corridor serves to support the commercial and high-tech interests located in the surrounding area including NASA Langley Research Center, Langley Speedway, and the business parks of Hampton Roads Center South, Central and North Campuses, along with long standing maritime interests in the area.


Approval of this amendment would create a new special district that would better serve the property owners’ interests and City policy by expanding the current list of permitted uses under the Limited Manufacturing (M-1) District.  Expanding the number of permitted uses would help property owners within Langley Research and Development Park better utilize their properties and provide better support and services to surrounding employment centers.


This Zoning Ordinance Amendment is proposed in conjunction with Comprehensive Plan Amendment 19-00001; Zoning Ordinance Amendments 19-00009 and 19-00011; and Rezoning 19-00005.






Staff Recommendation:



Planning Commission Recommendation:




Whereas, the public necessity, convenience, general welfare and good zoning practice so require;


BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Hampton, Virginia that chapter 8 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Hampton, Virginia, be amended and re-enacted as follows:







Sec. 8-76. - Overall intent of Langley Business Park (LBP) District.


The general purpose and intent of this district is to promote the development of a mix of office, distribution, light manufacturing and support service uses within a modest campus setting.  The central location of this district serves to support the commercial and high-tech interests located in the surrounding Magruder Corridor area including NASA Langley Research Center, Langley Speedway, and the business parks of Hampton Roads Center South, Central and North Campuses, along with long standing maritime interests in the area.

Specific objectives to be promoted by the establishment of the district include:

                     (a)                     Provide business sites that will support the economic growth and diversification of Hampton’s tax base.

                     (b)                     Create a high quality, innovative, and adaptive environment capable of attracting and sustaining a diverse mix of businesses, including both skilled labor and professional, free from offensive operations.

                     (c)                     Be inclusive of support service uses that support the day to day operations of base employers in the park.

                     (d)                     Provide for diversity in the types of research, development, manufacturing and support commercial uses that are realistically free from offense.

                     (e)                     Encourage business development that adheres to the recommendations of the Joint Land Use Study with Langley Air Force Base.


(1) Boundaries.  The LBP District shall include the area designated on the zoning map with the symbol “LBP.” 

(2) Uses permitted. Uses shall be permitted as set forth in Chapter 3 - Uses Permitted.

(3) Development standards.

(a)                     All uses conducted outside of a building, including but not limited to outdoor material and equipment storage, shall be screened so that it is not visible from any existing or proposed public right-of-way, and so that it is not visible from adjacent properties.

(b)                     All screening fences shall be opaque; the use of electrified fences, barbed or razor wire, and chain link with or without slats anywhere on site is expressly prohibited.

(c)                     Loading operations shall occur along the side and rear of buildings only. Loading areas shall be screened so that they are not visible from public rights-of-way and adjacent properties; however, no loading operations shall be visible from Magruder Boulevard or Commander Shepard Boulevard.

(d)                     Front yards and unfenced side yards which abut a street shall be landscaped in accordance with the "City of Hampton Landscape Guidelines."

(e)                     Accessory buildings or structures shall not be located in the front yard.

(4) Building height. 

                     (a)                     Buildings shall be a maximum of 120 feet in height.

(5) Setbacks.

Minimum dimensions as follows:

                     [The attached Table, entitled, "Setbacks" is hereby declared to be a part of this ordinance as if fully set forth herein.]

Sec. 8-77 - 8-80. - Reserved.