Ordinance to amend and re-enact Chapter 8 of the Zoning Ordinance of Hampton, Virginia Entitled “Special Districts” by amending Article 3 - Buckroe Bayfront Districts by changing the way the district is applied to bring it in line with the standard way of rezoning a property, removing provisions which restrict where the application of the district may be considered, and deleting unnecessary description of the review process.
Background Statement:
The Buckroe Bayfront Districts were adopted to implement the recommendations of the Buckroe Master Plan (2005, as amended) and Buckroe Bayfront Pattern Book (2007, as amended). The district focuses on enhancing the existing pattern of smaller lots, the walkable nature and traditional coastal character of the Buckroe neighborhood.
At the time, this type of form-based code was new to the City of Hampton so the district was adopted with specific boundaries included in the text. It has been nearly a decade since the adoption of the ordinance, and despite the troubles of the housing market, the City has seen significant investment and high quality housing develop within the district boundaries.
The amendment proposes eliminating the section that sets the boundaries within the zoning ordinance text. This would permit a property not currently in the boundary to apply for a rezoning to the Buckroe Bayfront District, as they could any other base district in the ordinance. As with any other district, that application would be reviewed against the City’s adopted plans and policies in deciding whether or not the requested rezoning should be granted.
Additionally, the proposed amendment would change the application of the district from occurring with an intent letter submitted to staff to following the standard process for rezoning a property, which is a legislative process involving review by Planning Commission and approval by City Council.
Staff Recommendation:
Planning Commission Recommendation:
Whereas, the public necessity, convenience, general welfare and good zoning practice so require;
BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Hampton, Virginia that chapter 8 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Hampton, Virginia, be amended and re-enacted as follows:
[Please see the attachment for the proposed ordinance language, which is incorporated as if fully set forth herein.]