Use Permit Application No. 15-00014: by Elvie Wilson for live entertainment inside LV’s Sports Bar and Grill located at 1565 Briarfield Road [LRSN 3005371]
UPDATE FOR FEBRUARY 10, 2016, MEETING: At its January 13th meeting, City Council voted to defer action on UP15-00014 to its February 10th meeting. Staff has provided a supplemental memo in the agenda materials.
UPDATE FOR JANUARY 13, 2016, MEETING: At its December 9th meeting, City Council voted to defer action on UP15-00014 to its January 13th meeting. As part of the motion to defer action, it was explained that the additional time provided by the deferral might allow the applicant to meet again with residents concerned about the proposal for live entertainment.
In response to Council’s direction, Terry O’Neill, Community Development Department Director, assigned a staff member from the Housing and Neighborhood Services Division to work to arrange a meeting between the applicant and concerned residents.
Staff has been in contact with the applicant and a representative of the Mallory Apartments to arrange such a meeting. At this time, no date for the meeting has been set. Staff will continue to work to arrange a meeting before the January 13th City Council meeting.
The applicant is requesting a use permit to allow live entertainment inside a restaurant at 1565 Briarfield Rd. Live entertainment in conjunction with a restaurant is a permitted use in the Neighborhood Commercial (C-1) District subject to securing a use permit.
Briarfield Rd. is primarily a residential corridor. 1565 Briarfield Rd. is a commercially zoned parcel that is bordered on three sides by residential uses. A restaurant has been operated at this site since the late 1960s, at least.
A use permit for live entertainment was approved for this location in 1971, but has expired due to inactivity. In 2008, a conditional privilege for live entertainment was requested at this location. The application was denied by City Council. The operators had been providing unpermitted live entertainment previous to applying for the use permit, which many residents felt had a negative impact on the neighborhood.
Ownership of the restaurant has changed since 2008. The applicant purchased the property in early 2015. Also since the 2008 application, staff has recommended a condition be attached to all use permits for live entertainment enhancing review of establishments providing live entertainment.
The Hampton Community Plan (2006, as amended) calls for safeguarding existing residential neighborhoods, promoting community interaction, nurturing small businesses, and expanding entertainment opportunities. Staff believes that appropriately conditioned live entertainment is in alignment with these Community Plan policies.
If this application is approved, staff and the Planning Commission recommend conditions regarding the location of live entertainment within the restaurant, hours of operation, compliance with the City Code noise ordinance, provision of sufficient staffing and parking, and the above mentioned review condition.
At the Planning Commission public hearing, two votes were taken on the motion for approval. The first vote was a tie which resulted in the motion failing. As is the practice of the Commission, a second vote was called in order to resolve the tie. A second motion to recommend approval passed because one of the Commissioners left between the two votes.
Staff and the Planning Commission recommend approval of Use Permit Application 15-00014 with 13 conditions.
Approve Use Permit No. 15-00014 with thirteen (13) conditions.