Use Permit Application by Hampton Yacht Club, Inc. to operate a marina at the eastern terminus of Victoria Boulevard, including 4709, 4710, and 4712 Victoria Boulevard [LRSNs: 13004507, 13004508, and 2003822], as well as a Portion of Victoria Boulevard, which is the Remaining Portion East of Bridge Street, which is Proposed to be Vacated
Background Statement:
On February 8, 2023, a motion was made by Councilmember Hope Harper and seconded by Councilmember Billy Hobbs, that 23-0019 and 23-0020 be taken out of order and deferred to April 12, 2023. The motion carried unanimously.
This item is being brought forward in conjunction with Agenda Items 23-0019 (rezoning application), 23-0110 (vacation application) and 23-0111 (cannon relocation).
This item will not be heard until after the City Council holds an additional and separate public hearing concerning the relocation of the cannon located within the Victoria Blvd. right-of-way, which was erected by the National Society of the Colonial Dames of America on May 9, 1916 on City property adjacent to the Hampton Yacht Club. The relocation public hearing is scheduled to be heard on March 8, 2023. Details about the proposed relocation will be contained in a separate agenda item for the March 8, 2023 meeting.
This item is requested to be deferred until April 12, 2023.
The Hampton Yacht Club was established in 1926. This was prior to the adoption of modern zoning. Since 1968, the Yacht Club has applied for and had a number of land use applications approved to allow for the expansion of their facility. The latest approval came last spring with the approval of Use Permit 22-00003 to allow for small boat storage and related activities at 4706 Victoria Boulevard, which is the southernmost portion of the Yacht Club facility.
The current proposal is for the section of current and former Victoria Boulevard right-of-way east (toward the Hampton River) of Bridge Street as well as a small adjacent lot along the waterfront. The Yacht Club has requested the remaining portion of Victoria Boulevard east of Bridge Street be vacated in order to form a formal entrance to the property.
The Hampton Community Plan (2006, as amended) recommends medium density residential for this location. This neighborhood also falls within the Historic Victoria Neighborhood initiative area of the Downtown Hampton Master Plan (2017, as amended), which emphasizes maintaining neighborhood site lines to the Hampton River.
No buildings are proposed in this application. The recommended conditions would permit site improvements for formalizing the entrance, adding a fence, expanding the waterfront plaza and limited small boat storage while protecting the site line to the water from Victoria Boulevard.
No members of the public spoke on this item.
The Planning Commission asked about the history and proposed relocation of the cannon monument and was satisfied with the answer of the applicant's agent.
Staff Recommendation:
Approval with ten (10) conditions
Planning Commission Recommendation:
Approval with ten (10) conditions