Resolution Approving the City of Hampton, Virginia's Participation in and Appropriation of the 2016 Virginia Water Quality Monitoring Program through the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality
The Hampton Clean City Commission’s Hampton Waterways Restoration Project Committee applied for the Virginia Water Quality Monitoring Grant to purchase water quality monitoring supplies and equipment. This grant will expand upon previous water quality education by providing equipment and guidelines for ongoing, systematic testing.
The information gained from this water quality monitoring grant will help the DEQ and the City of Hampton monitor water quality at two sites - Gosnold’s Hope Park and Air Power Park. Water quality testing will benefit our community by engaging and educating Hampton citizens in environmental stewardship as well as building a stronger connection of caring for our waterways. The expenses for the project will be covered by grant funds with no additional City funds needed.
This grant will contribute to meeting Hampton’s vision as per the Hampton Comprehensive Waterways Management Plan. Specifically, it will help supplement the City’s water quality monitoring efforts. It will also enhance the quality of life for Hampton and its residents by engaging and educating citizens in sustainable environmental stewardship and building a stronger connection of care for our waterways.
WHEREAS, the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality has awarded a 2016 Water Quality Monitoring Grant to the City of Hampton in the amount of $1,000.00 with no local match required; and
WHEREAS, the grant award covers the period January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2016,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Hampton, Virginia accepts and appropriates the 2016 Water Quality Monitoring Grant in the amount of $1,000.00 awarded and any related supplemental funding by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality in accordance with the grant agreement;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council authorizes the City Manager or her designee to take the necessary steps to implement this grant award.