File #: 24-0526    Version: 1 Name: Rezoning - 3200 Neil Armstrong Pkwy
Type: Zoning Ordinance - Map Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 12/18/2024 In control: Planning Commission
On agenda: 3/20/2025 Final action:
Title: Rezoning Application No. 24-0526 by Magruder Holdings, LLC to Rezone +/-5.29 Acres at 3200 Neil Armstrong Parkway [LRSN: 6000997] from General Commercial (C-3) District with Conditions to Langley Business Park (LBP) District with Conditions for a Mixed-Use Commercial Development
Indexes: , , Economic Vitality
Attachments: 1. Application, 2. Proffers, 3. Staff Report, 4. Presentation
Related files: 24-0529, 24-0528, 24-0527
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Rezoning Application No. 24-0526 by Magruder Holdings, LLC to Rezone +/-5.29 Acres at 3200 Neil Armstrong Parkway [LRSN: 6000997] from General Commercial (C-3) District with Conditions to Langley Business Park (LBP) District with Conditions for a Mixed-Use Commercial Development



Background Statement:

Rezoning Application No. 24-0526 is a request to rezone a parcel located at 3200 Neil Armstrong Parkway, encompassing approximately 5.29 acres, from General Commercial (C-3) District with conditions to Langley Business Park (LBP) District with conditions. The purpose of the rezoning is to allow for the subdivision and redevelopment of the site into a mixed-use commercial center planned to include warehouse/manufacturing, indoor storage facility, general retail sales, and general office uses. 


On proposed Site A, located in the eastern portion of the parcel near the intersection of Research Drive and Floyd Thompson Drive, the existing structure, approximately 25,000 square feet, will be renovated to accommodate the expansion of Threat Tec (13,700 square feet for warehouse and machining/manufacturing use), and the remaining 11,300 square feet will be utilized for general retail sales. 


On Site B, located in the western portion of the parcel near the intersection of Neil Armstrong Parkway and Floyd Thompson Drive, the existing structure will be demolished and replaced with a three-story, multi-use building. The majority of this building will feature a climate-controlled storage facility with over 500 units with approximately 21,000 square feet of floor area on the ground level and 30,000 square feet on both the second and third levels, totaling approximately 79,000 square feet dedicated to the storage facility use. The ground level will also include 650 square feet for a storage office, 3,000 square feet for future retail use, and 5,700 square feet for coworking space.  Additional details of the proposed development can be found in the application and staff report.


The Hampton Community Plan (2006, as amended) recommends the future land use for this property as commercial.  The Plan also encourages development that could attract more small businesses and workers to the park, building and site design that enhances the community, the efficient use of land and high-quality site planning, and the ability of older commercial and industrial areas to support new and expanded business activity. The contemporary architectural design and uniqueness of the proposed buildings could help reposition the aging business park.  The proposed development meets the purpose and intent of the Langley Business Park (LBP) District and achieves the objectives of providing a site that supports the economic growth and diversification of Hampton’s tax base, and creating a high-quality and innovative development capable of attracting and sustaining a diverse mix of businesses.


This application is in conjunction with Use Permit Application Nos. 24-0527, 24-0528, and 24-0529, which would permit a storage facility 2 on Site B, and retail sales, general on Site A and B, respectively within the Langley Business Park (LBP) District with an approved use permit for each.




Staff Recommendation:

Approve with ten (10) proffered conditions