Resolution Authorizing the Execution of an Agreement Between the Virginia Department of Health and the Hampton City Council for Funding and Services of the Hampton Health Department
Code of Virginia Sec. 32.1-31 authorizes the governing body of any county or city to enter into a contact with the State Board of Health ("Health Department") for the operation of a local health department in such county or city. The Health Department has operated at 3130 Victoria since at least 1977. It provides valued services to the citizens of Hampton, and in cooperation with the Peninsula Health District, also to citizens of Newport News, Poquoson, York County, James City County, and Williamsburg.
The Health Department proposes to enter into an agreement with the City for funding and services under which the Health Department that includes a cooperative budget under which the Health Department will pay an amount not to exceed $2,478,561.00, dependent upon appropriations by the General Assembly and the City will provide matching funds of $997,438.00 over the course of FY 24, and subsequent years unless the agreement is terminated by either party, as provided therein. In exchange the Health Department will perform public health services, as required by the Code of Virginia, as well as certain services set forth in the Hampton City Code, as set forth in the Agreement.
See Purpose/Background above.
See Purpose/Background above.
Approve the Resolution.
WHEREAS, the City of Hampton has hosted the State Department of Health ("Health Department") at 3130 Victoria Boulevard since at least 1977;
WHEREAS, the Health Department provides valuable services to Hampton citizens, and in cooperation with the Peninsula Health District, also to citizens of Newport News, Poquoson, York County, James City County, and Williamsburg; and
WHEREAS, the Health Department requests that the City Council enter into an agreement that provides for a cooperative budget under which the Health Department and the City will share the costs of providing those services.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Hampton, Virginia, that it approves the attached Agreement Between the Virginia Department of Health Services and the Hampton City Council for Funding and Services of the Hampton Health Department, and authorizes the City Manager or her designee, on behalf of the City Council, to execute that agreement and any other documents necessary to effectuate the purposes of this resolution, subject to the approval of those documents by the City Attorney.