Ordinance to Amend and Re-Enact the Zoning Ordinance of the City Of Hampton, Virginia by Amending Chapter 8, Article V Entitled, “Downtown Districts” to Permit Outdoor Recreation Areas Associated with a Physical Recreational Facility in the Downtown Business (DT-1) District and the Downtown Waterfront (DT-2) District
Background Statement:
The proposed amendment seeks to authorize outdoor recreation areas in conjunction with a physical recreational facility as a permitted outdoor use in the Downtown Business (DT-1) and Downtown Waterfront (DT-2) Districts. Currently, several permitted uses are allowed to function wholly or partially outdoors in the DT-1 and DT-2 Districts, and this amendment aims to include outdoor recreation areas in conjunction with physical recreational facilities to that list.
Allowing outdoor recreation areas in conjunction with a physical recreational facility within the DT-1 and DT-2 Districts could provide a more diverse range of exercise options and a location for a wider range of workouts, sports activities, and fitness events for existing or future physical recreational facilities. By integrating indoor and outdoor exercise options, physical recreational facilities can provide individuals with holistic fitness experiences that offer a multitude of health benefits and promote overall well-being and quality of life.
Staff Recommendation:
Planning Commission Recommendation:
WHEREAS, the public necessity, convenience, general welfare and good zoning practice so require;
BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Hampton, Virginia that Chapter 8, Article V of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Hampton, Virginia be amended to read as follows:
Section 8-42. - DT-1 District - Downtown Business.
(2) Development and lot size standards.
(a) Permitted retail sales, services, and office uses shall be conducted wholly within an enclosed building except for:
(i) Bank, with drive-through;
(ii) Boat sales;
(iii) Gas station;
(iv) Outdoor dining, downtown;
(v) Parking lot;
(vi) Restaurant, including drive-through;
(vii) Rummage sale, temporary;
(viii) Those uses authorized by a Special Event Permit issued pursuant to the Hampton City Code;
(ix) Seasonal sales authorized by Section 34-7 of the City Code;
(x) Food truck host sites;
(xi) Outdoor play areas associated with Day Care 1, Commercial and Day Care 2, Commercial which shall be permitted only within a physically defined and fenced area that is shown on the site plan; and
(xii) Outdoor recreation areas associated with a physical recreational facility.
Section 8-43. - DT-2 District - Downtown Waterfront.
(2) Development and lot size standards.
(a) Permitted retail sales, services, and office uses shall be conducted wholly within an enclosed building except for:
(i) Bank, with drive-through;
(ii) Boat repair;
(iii) Boat sales;
(iv) Gas station;
(v) Outdoor dining, downtown;
(vi) Parking lot;
(vii) Restaurant, including drive-through;
(viii) Rummage sale, temporary;
(ix) Those uses authorized by a Special Event Permit issued pursuant to the Hampton City Code;
(x) Seasonal sales authorized by Section 34-7 of the City Code;
(xi) Food truck host sites;
(xii) Outdoor play areas associated with Day Care 1, Commercial and Day Care 2, Commercial which shall be permitted only within a physically defined and fenced area that is shown on the site plan; and
(xiii) Outdoor recreation areas associated with a physical recreational facility.