Resolution Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Elevation of Anyang, South Korea as a City
WHEREAS, the Republic of Korea’s Anyang City and the United States’ Hampton City have sustained a mutually beneficial Sister City relationship since December 9, 1989;
WHEREAS, both cities are home to centers of advanced learning and research, with Anyang’s City University and Korea Aerospace University and Hampton’s NASA Research Center, Langley Air Force Base, Fort Monroe Authority and Hampton University’s Proton Therapy Center;
WHEREAS, both cities have supported mutually beneficial exchanges in business, arts, education, sports and tourism, and promote cultural, educational and business partnership;
WHEREAS, the Anyang South Korea Government and the Korean American Friendship Association, to honor the initiatives set forth by this relationship, invited a delegation from the City of Hampton to Anyang City in September 2023 to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Elevation of Anyang City;
WHEREAS, the Hampton delegation was graciously hosted and extended exceptional hospitality by the Honorable Choi Daeho, Mayor of Anyang City, South Korea, and his team during the full schedule of economic development and cultural visits;
WHEREAS, members of the Hampton University Terpsichorean Dance team were honored to participate in the Anyang Arts Festival celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Anyang City’s elevation;
WHEREAS, the Hampton delegation was honored to present in the International Symposium on Best Practice Case of Public Administration, hosted by Mayor Choi, and also learn from other cities including Anyang, South Korea; Anyang City, China; Garden Grove, California; Komaki City, Japan; Tokorozawa City, Japan, and;
WHEREAS, Mayor Tuck and other mayors from the sister city delegations joined with Mayor Choi in signing an agreement for sustainable growth and mutual prosperity in honor of the 50th Anniversary of Anyang and in furtherance of our ongoing commitment to the Sister City Program;
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Council of the City of Hampton officially express their congratulations on Anyang, South Korea’s 50th Anniversary.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Council express their deep appreciation for the ongoing and meaningful Sister City relationship as well as the hospitality recently extended to our delegation.