Use Permit Application No. 23-0351 by SCI Virginia Funeral Services, LLC to Permit a Cemetery Located at the Unaddressed Parcel at the Northwest Corner of Coliseum Drive and Hampton Roads Center Parkway [LRSN 13005223]
Background Statement:
Use Permit Application No. 23-0351 is a request for a use permit to expand and operate a cemetery at the unaddressed parcel at the northwest corner of Coliseum Drive and Hampton Roads Center Parkway [LRSN 13005223]. The property is zoned One-Family Residential (R-13) District, which allows for the desired use subject to an approved use permit. The property is also located within the Coliseum Central Overlay (O-CC) District.
The subject parcel is a proposed expansion of the Hampton Memorial Garden cemetery, totaling +/- 0.85 acres. The parcel was created as a result of the Coliseum Drive extension from the Hampton Roads Center Parkway to Butler Farm Road. Currently, the parcel is under contract for purchase by the applicant. The proposed expansion will be populated with burial plots and sodded turf grass, and no structure and/or roads are proposed.
The Hampton Community Plan (2006, as amended) designates this area as public/semipublic. The Plan discusses the importance of evaluating land use proposals from a neighborhood, city-wide, and neighborhood perspective, as well as promoting high-quality design and site planning that is compatible with surrounding development. It also emphasizes the need to work cooperatively and expand partnerships to address needs for health and human service facilities, and concentrating services throughout the city as to not overburden our neighborhoods.
The property is also located in the Coliseum Central Master Plan (2015, as amended), more specifically the Sentara Medical Campus Initiative area which is predominantly comprised of a combination of office and medical uses. The Plan does not call-out or establish a specific plan recommendation for the subject property.
If the use permit is to be granted, staff has identified seven (7) recommended conditions based upon the proposed use’s operational and land use characteristics. Among the conditions are limitations on fencing materials, landscaping, and cemetery licensing and regulation requirements
Staff Recommendation:
Approve with Seven (7) Conditions
Planning Commission Recommendation:
Approve with Seven (7) Conditions