Resolution Authorizing the Acceptance of a Gift of a Sensory Activation Vehicle Valued at $50,000 from the Coliseum Central Business Improvement District, Inc., Pursuant to City Code § 2-134
The Coliseum Central Business Improvement District, Inc. (the “Coliseum BID”) wishes to provide a new community service for citizens with special needs. For this purpose, the Coliseum BID purchased a custom-built “Sensory Activation Vehicle” at a cost of $50,000 from KultureCity, an Alabama nonprofit corporation, recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization, that is dedicated to promoting inclusivity.
The Sensory Activation Vehicle, an enclosed, pull-behind trailer, includes a variety of custom-built, sensory-play elements, where individuals on the autism spectrum or with other sensory needs can find respite when over-stimulation occurs such as during public festivals and events. The trailer also provides calming, focused play opportunities for children of all abilities. The trailer includes branded, exterior graphics promoting the Coliseum Business Improvement District (the “District”), the City of Hampton, and KultureCity.
The Coliseum BID wishes to donate the Sensory Activation Vehicle to the City of Hampton for the purpose of making it available to a wide audience of event organizers and other interested groups, upon the conditions the City undertake ownership, be responsible for maintenance and operation, and manage reservations of the Sensory Activation Vehicle; the Coliseum BID receive up to six (6) free daily reservations each calendar year; the Coliseum BID receive a priority reservation request window (November 1 - December 31, each year) to submit reservation requests prior to the City accepting public reservations, starting January 1; and the businesses and organizations located within the District receive a fifty-percent (50%) discount on the daily reservation fees.
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