Resolution Requesting Endorsement, Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) Programming, and City Manager Project Agreement Execution Authorizing the Waterwalk Trail Project under the Recreational Trails Program
The City of Hampton has identified the Waterwalk Trail (formerly Newmarket Creek Master Plan and subsequently Central Park) project to potentially qualify for DCR’s consideration of the Recreational Trails Program (RTP). The RTP is a federal matching reimbursement program for building and rehabilitating trails and trail-related facilities under Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Fixing America's Surface Transportation (FAST) Act that funds 80% of a project with Federal allocations and requires a 20% Local match.
The proposed bicycle and pedestrian improvements are included in the Bike Walk Hampton Plan, adopted by Council on December 14, 2016.
This project/the RTP Program has a 20% local match requirement. Funding for this match will be requested in the FY20 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP).
Approve Resolution.
WHEREAS, the City of Hampton (the "City") has identified the Waterwalk Trail project as a potential candidate for DCR’s consideration of the Recreational Trails Program (RTP);
WHEREAS, RTP is a federal matching reimbursement program for building and rehabilitating trails and trail-related facilities under Federal Highway Administration ("FHWA”) and authorized by the Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act that funds 80% of a project with Federal allocations and requires a 20% Local match;
WHEREAS, in accordance with construction allocation procedures, a resolution must be received from the sponsoring local jurisdiction or agency requesting the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation (“DCR” or “the Department”) to establish a RTP project in the City;
WHEREAS, the City agrees to enter into a project administration agre...
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