Use Permit Application No. 18-00006: by H&S Development Group to permit a commercial communication tower at 700 Greenlawn Avenue [LRSN: 1007652]
Background Statement:
Use Permit Application No. 18-00006 is a request to permit the operation of a commercial communication tower at 700 Greenlawn Avenue [LRSN: 1007652], which is located between I-664 and West Pembroke Avenue. The property is currently vacant and zoned Heavy Manufacturing (M-3), which allows for a commercial communications tower with a use permit.
The applicant is proposing to construct a commercial communication tower that can accommodate four (4) users. The proposed tower would be a semi-flush monopole constructed of galvanized steel. The tower has an overall height of 163’, which includes the lightning rod. The tower is proposed to be fenced with area providing space for future ground lease equipment. While the applicant has provided a landscaping plan to ensure consistent screening year-round, the applicant is also choosing to protect existing vegetation that will help provide additional screening from the street.
The Hampton Community Plan (2006, as amended) recommends business/industrial for this site. The recommendation for surrounding properties is business/industrial as well as some commercial. Additionally, the Community Plan recommends encouraging the location of new communication towers in preferred sites based on a “placement hierarchy,” which prioritizes areas that will be least impacted by the construction of a tower. The most preferred sites are co-location on existing towers, followed by tall buildings, and third, large industrial areas. This property is meets the third criteria, of large industrial areas. As part of the Community Plan and Zoning requirements, the applicant submitted documentation that demonstrated need for a new communication tower and that no site higher on the hierarchy met the needs to fill the coverage gap. Given the manufacturing zoning, busines...
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