Ordinance to Amend and Reenact the City Code of the City of Hampton, Virginia by Repealing Chapter 6, Bicycles, Article 1, In General, Sec. 6-5, and Article II, Equipment and Operating Rules, Sec. 6-17, Sec. 6-20 through Sec. 6-22, and Sec. 6-28 and Amending Chapter 6, Bicycles, Article I, In General, Sec. 6-1, and Sec. 6-4, and Article II, Equipment and Operating Rules, Sec. 6-23 and Sec. 6-29 to make the City Code Consistent With State Laws and to implement recommendations of the Hampton Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee
Background Statement:
Chapter 6, Bicycles of the City Code of the City of Hampton, Virginia is being revised to be consistent with Virginia state law. A clear reference to the Code of Virginia has been added and City Code sections in conflict with or duplicative of state law have been removed. In addition recommendations of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee have been implemented through this prososed ordinance amendment.
This is an implementation item of Bike Walk Hampton: A Strategic Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan, which was adopted by Hampton City Council on December 14, 2016. This ordinance amendment has received input and review from the Hampton Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee and the Hampton Police Department.
Staff Recommendation:
Approve proposed ordinance amendment to Chapter 6, Bicycles.
BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Hampton, Virginia, that Chapter 6 of the City Code of the City of Hampton, Virginia be amended to read as follows:
Sec. 6-1. - Definitions.
As used in this chapter, the word "bicycle" means a device propelled solely by human power, upon which a person may ride either on or astride a regular seat attached thereto, having two (2) or more wheels in tandem, including children's bicycles, except a toy vehicle intended for use by young children.
As used in this chapter, the word “el...
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