Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Grant a Perpetual Restrictive Use Easement to the United States of America Over the Entirety of a Parcel of Real Property Located Near Langley Air Force Base (LAFB) Containing 3.68± Acres and Designated as Parcel on Tidewater Drive (LRSN 6000773) Adjacent to Langley Air Force Base (LAFB) as Part of the Department of Defense’s (DoD) Readiness and Environmental Protection Integration (REPI) Program
In July 2015, the City entered into a Cooperative Agreement with the United States of America under the auspices of the Department of Defense (DoD) Readiness and Environmental Protection Integration (REPI) Program, acting by and through the Secretary of the Air Force (“Air Force”), in order to facilitate acquisition in fee simple by the City of designated properties within Accident Potential Zone I adjacent to Langley Air Force Base. The acquisitions are on a voluntary basis only. Under the Cooperative Agreement, as amended, the City agreed to acquire the properties and subsequently transfer the development rights in the form of perpetual restrictive use easements to the Air Force over the parcels acquired. The Air Force has agreed to pay the City the appraised value of the easement, and accordingly, these easements help the City offset the cost of acquisition of the parcels and protect Langley Air Force Base from incompatible encroachment.
This particular easement, if approved, would apply to a parcel known as Tidewater Drive (LRSN 6000773) purchased by the City in July of 2018.
See Purpose/Background above.
See Purpose/Background above.
Approve the Resolution
WHEREAS, in 2010, the City of Hampton (the “City”) and Langley Air Force Base (“LAFB”) undertook a collaborative planning effort known as the Joint Land Use Study (“JLUS”) involving local communities, federal officials, residents, business owners, and the military to identify co...
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