Resolution Accepting and Appropriating Funds for the Fiscal Year 2019 Children's Services Act (formerly Comprehensive Services Act for At-Risk Youth and Families)
The Children's Services Act (CSA), formerly known as the Comprehensive Services Act for At-Risk Youth and Families, combines the annual appropriations that previously went to Social Services, the Hampton City Schools and the Court Services Unit. The CSA serves families with children with a high risk of out-of-home placement or already in such placement due to their specialized academic and/or behavior needs. CSA is administered by a Community Policy and Management Team made up of agency directors, vendors, parent representatives and other community members.
(See Hampton City Council File No.17-0150; Resolution adopted April 26, 2017).
The mission of the Children's Services Act is to create a collaborative system of services and funding that is child-centered, family-focused, community-based and cost-effective when addressing the strengths and needs of troubled and at-risk youth and their families in Virginia. In Hampton, this collaborative system of care continues to serve over 500 annually.This system of care approach has been a hallmark of supporting families for a healthy child.
As established through the Appropriation Act, funding services to children and families under the Children's Services Act is a shared responsibility of state and local government. The State Executive Council for Children's Services, together with the Office of Children's Services, are the administrative bodies at the state level that set the local match rate for each locality. Hampton's local match is set at 32.23%. However, historically, Hampton has never been required to pay out the entire local match amount and, therefore, the amount allocated in the recently approved budget for CSA funds represents less than the full 32.23% match.
At this, time the exact allocation ...
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