Resolution Requesting Programming of the Pavement Data Collection Project and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute the Necessary Agreements with the Virginia Department of Transportation
City staff is developing a more comprehensive pavement condition database and requires additional testing and data collection to more accurately reflect current conditions. This database will allow staff to better allocate maintenance funding to have the greatest impact and effectiveness.
Every three years or so, the Street Operations Division of Public Works collects data on the condition of the pavement on all of the streets in the City. As we have done in the past, this project will contract with VDOT to have the condition assessment performed. By using the same method over a period of time, we can make better projections of future conditions. Also, by being consistent with VDOT's assessments we have more data to apply for funding from VDOT through the State of Good Repair program. Funding for this work is through the Street Resurfacing budget and is an eligible VDOT Maintenance cost.
Not Applicable
Approve Resolution
WHEREAS, in accordance with the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) construction allocation procedures, it is necessary that a request by a City Council resolution be made in order that the Department program a highway project in the City of Hampton;
WHEREAS, a more comprehensive pavement condition database will increase maintenance fund effectiveness;
WHEREAS, City staff has created an agreement with VDOT to utilize their current contractor for this work;
WHEREAS, Local Administration Agreements with VDOT are necessary for securing VDOT's commitment to this project; and
WHEREAS, VDOT requires that City Council grant authority for the City Manager to execute agreements;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: that the City of Hampton, authorizes the ...
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