File #: 17-0208    Version: 1 Name: 2018 Hampton Clean City Commission
Type: Resolution-Budget Status: Passed
File created: 6/2/2017 In control: City Council Legislative Session
On agenda: 6/14/2017 Final action: 6/14/2017
Title: Resolution Approving the City of Hampton, Virginia's Participation in and Appropriation of Funds for the Hampton Clean City Commission from the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, the Keep Hampton Green Fund and the City of Hampton's General Fund, Solid Waste Management Fund and Stormwater Management Fund for Fiscal Year 2018
Indexes: , , , Stormwater
Related files: 17-0081, 17-0083, 17-0072, 18-0241
Resolution Approving the City of Hampton, Virginia's Participation in and Appropriation of Funds for the Hampton Clean City Commission from the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, the Keep Hampton Green Fund and the City of Hampton's General Fund, Solid Waste Management Fund and Stormwater Management Fund for Fiscal Year 2018

This item is a request for allocation of grant funds for the Hampton Clean City Commission ("HCCC"). The HCCC, established by City Council in 1978, enlists Hampton’s citizens in the effort to clean up litter and to prevent it by educating others. These funds will provide personnel and programming support for the volunteers and their activities directed toward improving the physical environment of the City of Hampton.

The Commission also works to improve the appearance of the City of Hampton through urban forestry, stormwater and water quality education, solid waste education and beautification projects. Among the projects the HCCC undertakes are the Adopt-A-Spot Program, which enlists volunteers in keeping Hampton clean and beautiful and the Keep Hampton Green urban forestry donation fund, which uses private donations to purchase trees and shrubs for public areas of the City. The HCCC also works extensively with youth to lay the foundation for future stewardship of our city.

HCCC Programs include:

Adopt-A-Spot Program, encouraging citizen participation in removing litter from public areas and in some cases beautifying them.

Clean & Green Business Award, a quarterly recognition of businesses that not only keep their landscapes attractive and clean, but also engage in sound solid waste practices, and support community programs, particularly stewardship programs.

Community Appearance & Litter Index, an evaluation tool that tracks the amount of litter at 100 sites in Hampton, first implemented in 2000.

Community Cleanups, monthly opportunities for residents to participate in ...

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