Resolution to Request the Virginia Department of Transportation Program Four State of Good Repair Projects into its Six-Year Improvement Plan; to Amend the City Manager's Council Approved FY2023 Capital Budget to Incorporate the Projects; to Appropriate $1,500,000 VDOT State of Good Repair Funds to the Capital Projects Fund for those Four Projects, including West County Street Resurfacing Project, Mercury Boulevard Resurfacing Projects, Armistead Avenue Resurfacing Project; and to Authorize the City Manager or Her Designee to Execute any Necessary Agreements
The Commonwealth Transportation Board approved, by Resolution, on June 21, 2022 the State of Good Repair district funding distribution percentages for fiscal year 2023. Pursuant to Code of Virginia § 33.2-369, as amended, titled State of Good Repair, the Virginia Department of Transportation (“VDOT”) provides funding for reconstruction and replacement of structurally deficient state and locally owned bridges and rehabilitation of pavement including municipality maintained primary extensions. The City of Hampton (“City”) applied and was approved for State of Good Repair funding, and a total of $1,500,000 was allocated for four projects. The City was notified that funding would be received in July 2022 for the following projects and in the following amounts: West County Street Resurfacing Project - West County Street from Woodland Road to Libby Street ($260,000), Mercury Boulevard Resurfacing Project - Eastbound Pennwood to Martha Lee Drive ($453,000), Armistead Avenue Resurfacing Project - Eastbound Pembroke Avenue to Settlers Landing Road ($249,000), and Mercury Boulevard Resurfacing Project - Westbound Pennwood to Kinsmen Way ($538,000). These projects will enhance transportation within the City of Hampton. Once the allocations are accepted by the City, they are available immediately. VDOT has already assigned project numbers in anticipation of the City's approval of this request.
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