Resolution to Appropriate the Additional Allocation from the Virginia Department of Transportation for the Fiscal Year 2018 Urban Maintenance Program
City Charter Section 6.12(a), quoted below, gives City Council the authority to approve supplemental appropriations for unanticipated state or federal revenues. This resolution appropriates additional revenue from the Commonwealth in the amount of $124,831 for the City’s FY2018 VDOT Urban Maintenance Program which funds maintenance for eligible roadway maintenance activities. The additional revenue is greater than that which was anticipated and budgeted in the Council Approved FY 2018 budget.
Sec. 6.12. - Additional Appropriations.
a. Supplemental appropriations. If available from surplus from previous year's operations or from planned fund balance in the current budget as adopted, the council by resolution may make supplemental appropriations for the year not to exceed the amount of such balance. Supplemental appropriations may also be made by council by resolution not to exceed the unanticipated revenue from the Commonwealth or federal sources where council has previously or currently approved the city's participation in such programs.
Not Applicable
Approve Resolution
WHEREAS, the City of Hampton receives funding from the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) on an annual basis for its Urban Maintenance Program;
WHEREAS, the Urban Maintenance Program funds maintenance activities on VDOT eligible streets within the City of Hampton;
WHEREAS, the fiscal year 2018 allocation from VDOT for the Urban Maintenance Program is greater than anticipated and budgeted in the Council Approved Fiscal Year 2018 Budget; and
WHEREAS, the additional funds totaling $124,831 must be appropriated, first in the General...
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