Use Permit Application by Anna Muratore to Permit a Short-Term Rental (STR) at 125 S Fourth St [LRSN: 12006920]
Background Statement:
This Use Permit Application is a request to operate a short-term rental (STR) at 125 S Fourth St [LRSN: 12006920]. The property is currently zoned One-Family Residential (R-8) District which allows for the desired use, subject to an approved use permit.
The Hampton Community Plan (2006, as amended) calls for evaluating land use proposals from a regional, city-wide, and neighborhood perspective. Furthermore, land-use and economic development policies related to this land use application includes safeguarding the integrity of existing residential neighborhoods, encouraging a mix of land uses that is appropriate and promoting the efficient use of land, and expanding tourism, entertainment, and cultural opportunities within the city.
The property is located along South Fourth Street in the Buckroe Master Plan (2005, as amended) area with close proximity to Buckroe Beach. The Plan does not specifically address this property or the proposed use but does recognize Buckroe’s distinguished past as an evolving vacation destination and acknowledges that the visitor market is limited and seasonal due to the lack of transient accommodation. The Plan supports this area of the master plan as a primarily residential neighborhood and overall aims to maintain Buckroe as a distinctive, family-oriented community while preserving its unique and authentic character.
Staff Recommendation:
Approval with Fifteen (15) Conditions
Planning Commission Recommendation:
Approval with Fifteen (15) Conditions