Use Permit Application No. 17-00008 by Hampton Yacht Club, Inc. to allow for a marina at 4701 Victoria Boulevard [LRSN 2003824]
Background Statement:
This is a request to permit a marina at 4701 Victoria Boulevard [LRSN 2003824]. The property is located at the corner of Bridge Street and Victoria Boulevard, just inside the entrance to the Hampton Yacht Club (HYC), and is zoned DT-2 (Downtown Waterfront District). DT-2 allows for a marina and accessory uses with a use permit. The property also falls into the O-CBP (Chesapeake Bay Overlay) District and O-FZ (Flood Zone Overlay) District.
At present, a Hampton Roads Sanitation District (HRSD) pump station is located on the subject property. Once a new pump station (now under construction) is complete, the pump station at 4701 Victoria Boulevard will cease to operate, and HRSD will close up the existing sanitation infrastructure.
The Hampton Yacht Club has expressed interest in either reusing the existing building or demolishing the building and expanding the parking field in conjunction with their existing facilities. Under the proposed conditions, the Hampton Yacht Club could also construct a new building in keeping with the general scale and character of the existing building.
Sufficient parking exists for the marina use across all of the Hampton Yacht Club properties. Therefore, if the building is reused or a new building is constructed, additional parking would not be required. However, staff recommends a condition that requires sufficient parking be maintained at all times, and any new parking on the site be landscaped to screen it from the public right of way.
The Hampton Community Plan (2006, as amended) recommends mixed use for this site and the rest of the properties comprising the Hampton Yacht Club marina. To the west and south are single family homes, and the land use plan calls for medium density residential. The property also falls into the boundaries of the Downtown Master Pla...
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