Use Permit Application No. 23-0312 by A & A Loyalty Group LLC d/b/a Karma Restaurant & Lounge to Permit a Restaurant 3 to Expand the Hours of Operation and to Expand the Hours of Indoor Live Entertainment for Hours as Late as 2:00 AM at 87 Lincoln Street [portion of LRSN: 2003249]
Background Statement:
Use Permit Application No. 23-0312 is a request for a use permit for a restaurant 3 to exceed the general hours of operation and to exceed the indoor live entertainment performance hours permitted under a Zoning Administrator Permit (ZAP). The subject property is located at 87 Lincoln Street [portion of LRSN: 2003249]. The property is currently zoned Downtown Business (DT-1) District, which permits the desired use subject to an approved use permit.
If the use permit is to be granted, staff has identified twelve (12) recommends conditions be attached. These conditions are based upon the proposed use’s operational and land use characteristics. Among the conditions are limitations on hours of operation for the restaurant. The conditioned evening hours of operation are less restrictive than what is proposed by the applicant. Given the location and other surrounding uses, these conditioned hours proposed by staff are appropriate. The conditioned hours are consistent with other live entertainment and restaurant use permits granted previously in Downtown Hampton.
Staff Recommendation:
Approve with Twelve (12) Conditions
Planning Commission Recommendation:
Approve with Twelve (12) Conditions