Resolution to Accept and Appropriate the FY 2018 State Homeland Security Program Grant Funding Awarded by The Virginia Department of Emergency Management for the City of Hampton Police Division's Regional Underwater Remotely Operated Vehicle
The City of Hampton Police Division is the recipient of the 2018 State Homeland Security Program sub-award through the Virginia Department of Emergency Management as a pass-through grant from the US Department of Homeland Security Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for funding in the amount of $64,000.00. These funds will be used to acquire an underwater remotely operated vehicle (ROV), expanding the Division’s underwater capabilities. In instances of threat detection, such as checking piers for explosive devices and other anomalies, locating items of evidentiary value, and locating missing persons, an ROV will greatly increase efficiency of responding dive and marine teams. Currently to identify targets of interest divers must be deployed, resulting in increased time of target detection and increased risk to public safety personnel. An ROV will allow for fast and safe identification of targets, allowing jurisdictions to deploy divers only when necessary.
Hampton is an independent city located in Virginia. It is on the southern end of the Virginia Peninsula, bordering the Chesapeake Bay. The City has a total area of 136.2 miles; 51.8 miles of it is land and 84.4 miles of it is water. Additionally, Hampton is part of a dynamic metropolitan region. Besides Hampton, the region contains four other cities with populations greater than 100,000. Hampton Roads now has a population of more than 1.7 million and is the 37th largest MSA in the nation.
The City also serves as a strategic site for maritime all-hazards incident mitigation and security due to its location on the southeastern end of the Virginia Peninsula. Five major shipping channels pass through the city’s juris...
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