Rezoning by Hampton Redevelopment and Housing Authority to rezone +0.47 acres located at 900 W Queen Street [LRSN: 2000257] from General Commercial (C-3) District and Two Family Residential (R-8) District to Two Family Residential (R-8) District with Conditions
Background Statement:
900 W Queen Street was acquired by the City of Hampton in 2008 and transferred to the Hampton Redevelopment and Housing Authority (HRHA) in 2010 in order to remove a dated commercial property that had devolved into a blight on the neighborhood. HRHA was the ultimate owner in order to reposition the property for residential land use. Today, HRHA seeks to develop three single-family lots.
A portion of the property is zoned Two Family Residential (R-8) District while the majority is zoned General Commercial (C-3) District, which is the City of Hampton's most intense commercial district. The proposed rezoning would place the entire property in the Two Family Residential (R-8) District, which is consistent with most of the surrounding residential properties. The application also includes proffered conditions, which would limit development to three single family lots and adherence to the submitted concept plan and exterior home designs.
The Hampton Community Plan (2006, as amended) recommends commercial land use for this property. The Community Plan also includes many recommendations supporting infill and redevelopment that enhances the character of existing neighborhoods, is of high quality design, and creates walkable and bikeable environments. The property is also within the Downtown Hampton Master Plan (2017, as amended), which identifies the Olde Hampton Neighborhood as an initiative area, also supporting well designed infill development in keeping with the character of the historic neighborhood.
During the Planning Commission public hearing, while ultimately voting in favor of the application, Commissioners raised questions about the design of the homes not inclu...
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