Rezoning Application by the E-Commerce Center of Hampton, LLC to Amend the Proffered Conditions Attached to the Zoning of the Property at 1708 Todds Lane [LRSN:3009404]
Background Statement:
This application is a request to amend the existing proffers for the E-Commerce Center of Hampton to allow additional commercial uses from those uses that are currently allowed. The subject property, 1708 Todds Lane, is zoned General Commercial (C-3) District with proffered conditions. The property is a portion of the Todd Shopping Center, the rest of which is zoned Limited Commercial (C-2). Additionally, the property is within the Coliseum Central Master Plan (2015 as amended) Power Plant Parkway initiative area.
In 2015, this property was rezoned to the C-3 zoning district from the C-2 district. This rezoning, with its proffers, allowed the creation of a mixed use development to include: office, retail, and self-storage fully contained in a three story building. It was the self-storage portion of the development which necessitated the rezoning. The self-storage also required an approved use permit. That previous approval will generally remain intact if this application is approved. The difference with this rezoning is solely the allowance for some additional commercial uses requested by the applicant.
Located in the Todd Shopping Center, the E-Commerce center was a new concept at the time it first came forward and has since proven successful. The owner/applicant expects that the proposed additional uses, all of which are permitted within the rest of shopping center, would enhance the E-Commerce building as a retail and business center.
With respect to applicable policy, the Hampton Community Plan (2006, as amended) recommends mixed-use for this area. As defined in the Community Plan the mixed-use category encourages developments of two or more compatible land uses, such as live/work, retail/office, residential/retail, or tourist attractions/community...
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