Resolution to Amend the Fiscal Year 2024 Council Approved Budget to Accept and Appropriate the FY 2024 Violence Against Women's Act ("VAWA") Program - Prosecution Grant Awarded by the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services
The purpose of this resolution is to accept and appropriate federal grant funds and certain in-kind services to permit the continuation of the Commonwealth's Attorney's Violence Against Women's Act ("VAWA") prosecution program.
In 1994, the United States Congress passed the VAWA as part of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act. VAWA includes the Services, Training, Officers, Prosecution ("STOP") grant program. The Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services administers the STOP Violence Against Women grant in Virginia, known as V-STOP. V-STOP offers grant funds to successful applicants for activities that increase the apprehension, prosecution, and adjudication of persons committing violent crimes against women. In 2015, the Commonwealth's Attorney applied for multi-year grant funding to support the VAWA prosecution program which is part of the Hampton Domestic Violence Community Unified Response Effort ("CURE"). The current grant is on a calendar year cycle and must be reviewed each year.
Continuation of the VAWA prosecution program will allow the Commonwealth's Attorney to retain an established position for a dedicated domestic violence prosecutor to prosecute cases of domestic violence. The VAWA prosecution program also provides a special Victim Advocate and comprehensive training for law enforcement officers.
The City's in-kind match is primarily met through the use of the services of an administrative assistant who supports the prosecutor. A small portion is also met through office supplies.
This grant award will help support the prosecution of approximately 800 cases. The City has historically provided an in-kind match for this grant. ...
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