Resolution Approving the Design Hearing of Right-of-Way for Route 172 Wythe Creek Road Project
Wythe Creek Road is an existing 2 lane roadway in the City of Hampton that crosses into the City of Poquoson.
The project will include the widening of Wythe Creek Road to a 3 lane undivided
highway from Langley Boulevard in Hampton, to just north of Huntlandia Way in the City of Poquoson, for a total distance of 1.68 miles. The project provides a three lane reversible roadway, with two lanes being operated in the southbound direction in the AM peak hour, and two lanes in the northbound direction in the PM peak hour. The center lane will operate as a two way center left turn lane in the off peak hours. Improvements will include a new signal at the Wythe Creek/Cary’s Chapel intersection, signal modifications at both the Wythe Creek/Voyager Drive and Wythe Creek/Langley Boulevard intersections, curb and gutter, a 10-foot sidewalk/multi-use path on the east side, widening of the causeway and the bridge, traffic safety improvements at the intersections, and a new 1500’ long bridge will be constructed through the causeway area between Hampton and Poquoson, bringing the roadway surface elevation above the 100 year flood plan, and compensating for sea level rise.
A public hearing was held for this project on August 13, 2015.
Construction is scheduled to begin Winter of 2018.
Resolution 10-0284 was passed on July 14, 2010, approving programming of this project and Execution of Project Agreements.
The City of Poquoson provided a letter of endorsement of this project, dated March 11, 2015.
Not Applicable
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WHEREAS, a Design Public Hearing was conducted on August 13, 2015, in the City of Poquoson by representatives of the Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Transportation after due and proper notice for the purpose of considering the proposed design of Route 1...
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