Consideration of appointments to the Golf Advisory Board
When Council last considered appointments to this body, it expressed a desire to revisit the appointments in February. As such, this matter was placed on the agenda.
Liz Smith, Mark Hilleren and Gregory Smoots' terms have ended and are eligible for reappointment until February 29, 2023.
There are individuals in the Board Bank who have expressed a desire to serve on this board. Those applications are being provided to Council.
Current Demographics
Name of Board |
# of Members |
# of Vacancies |
Gender |
Age |
Ethnicity |
Golf Advisory Board |
8 |
3 |
Male - 4 |
71+ -1 |
African American - 2 |
70-52 - 1 |
Caucasian - 1 |
51-34 - 1 |
Unknown - 1 |
Unknown - 1 |
Female - 1 |
Unknown - 1 |
Unknown - 1 |
Applicants Currently Serving on Other Board/Commissions:
Norman Merrifield currently serves on the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board until March 31, 2022
No new recommendation received.