Consideration of Appointments to the Animal Control Advisory Committee
The term of Andy Anderson ended on January 31, 2020, and he has served two consecutive terms so is not eligible for reappointment.
A vacancy was created by the death of Dan Winters.
Gordon Brightbill informed the committee that he is moving out of Hampton and will no longer be eligible to serve.
Council is being asked to appoint individuals to a three-year term until February 28, 2024.
There are individuals in the Board Bank who have expressed a desire to serve on this board. Those applications are being provided to Council.
Current Demographics
Name of Board |
# of Members |
# of Vacancies |
Gender |
Age |
Ethnicity |
Animal Control Advisory Committee |
7 |
3 |
Female - 4 |
70 - 52 - 1 |
Caucasian - 4 |
51 - 34 - 1 |
33 - 18 - 2 |
Applicants Currently Serving on Other Board/Commissions:
The committee recommends Sharon Bilyj, Katherine Omo and Liz Peabody.