Resolution to Amend the Fiscal Year 2022 Council Approved Budget to Accept and Appropriate the Sentara Healthier Communities Program Grant awarded by Sentara Healthcare/Optima Health/Virginia Premier
The Sentara Healthier Communities Program Fund was created by Sentara Healthcare/Optima Health/Virginia Premier ("Sentara") to improve the health of communities in their service area and make a dramatic difference in the lives of their patients and neighbors. Grants will be awarded amongst three areas of focus: 1. University Grants; 2. Collaborative Grants; and 3. Community Grants and will enhance the capabilities for Sentara's partner universities and collaboration between the universities, health systems and community partners to improve public health. Funds will be allocated to community organizations and other partners in the Hampton Roads region to address public health and health inequities.
The following goals are intended to guide the grant recipients in the prioritized use of these funds for the improvement of public health and health inequities in under served communities:
Create and enhance capabilities of partner universities to directly impact and improve public health and health equity in under served communities;
Promote and enhance the collaboration between Old Dominion University, Norfolk State University and Eastern Virginia Medical School;
Support community organizations to improve public health and health inequities;
Support efforts to establish a School of Public Health, critical to ensuring vitality of public health in the region; and
Promote long-term sustainability of public health and health equity activities and funding required to assure continuity of programs.
The Hampton Health Equity Initiative (the "Initiative") commenced on July 1, 2021. The intended outcome of the Initiative is to increase the City of Hampton's (the "City's") vaccination numbers in minority communities; provid...
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