Use Permit Application by Olde Hampton Village Developers, LLC, to Permit Multifamily Dwellings at the Intersections of LaSalle Avenue and West Pembroke Avenue, West Pembroke Avenue and West Queen Street, and West Queen Street and Michigan Drive [LRSNs: 2000370, 2000404, 2000402, 2000369, 2000403, 2000401, 2000368, 2000400, 2000385, 2000386, 2000229, 2000230, 2000231, 2000232, 2000233, 2000234], Commonly Known as the Former Site of the Lincoln Park Housing Development.
Background Statement:
This is a use permit application by Olde Hampton Village Developers, LLC, to permit multifamily dwellings at the former Lincoln Park Housing Development, as described above. This application is in conjunction with Rezoning Application No. 22-00008, which proposes to rezone the property to Downtown Business (DT-1) District. The DT-1 District allows the construction of multifamily dwelling as a by-right use, subject to optional incentive development standards. The District provides a provision in which an applicant can request a use permit to deviate from the optional development standards.
If the use permit is to be granted, staff has identified six (6) recommended conditions based upon the proposed use’s operational and land use characteristics. The conditions also assure that while the development does not strictly adhere to all of the standards, it does meet the intent of the district and relevant adopted policies given the context of the site. A few key conditions are highlighted below: (1) Compliance with the proffered conditions, and (2) Additional use permit requirement for conversion of commercial space into multifamily dwellings.
Please note:
One additional staff-recommended condition is proposed, which was added subsequent to the Planning Commission meeting. This condition would require that Building 4 identified in the application as age-restricted (senior) housing be used for such purpose. This condition is recommended to be added for clarity, bu...
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