Rezoning Application No. 18-00010 by the City of Hampton to Rezone 11.3+ Acres including LRSNs 12001732, 12001661, 12001453, 12001454, 12001611, 12001452, 12001456, 12002019, 12001704, 12001536, 12001507, 12001508 from Phoebus Business (PH-1) District to Phoebus Commercial Transition (PH-3) District
Background Statement:
Rezoning Application No. 18-00010, as well as the accompanying zoning ordinance amendments, are the outcome of the Phoebus Master Plan update in 2013, and a series of action items that resulted. Topping the list of action items was the analysis of existing zoning and the development of appropriate zoning regulations for the commercial core of historic Phoebus.
In reviewing the existing zoning regulations, staff found that two new districts were necessary to ensure future development aligned with the vision of the community and the Phoebus Master Plan (2007, as amended). Approval of this rezoning would adopt form standards to create a transition from the urban mixed-use center to more suburban development called PH-3.
Approval of this rezoning would adopt appropriate suburban form standards for the areas directly adjacent to the PH-2 Town District. Such regulations create a transition from the urban mixed-use center to more suburban development with regulations that place parking to the rear of the building façade, regulate lot depth, building height, building setbacks, and façade composition in order to support pedestrian activity and ensure development consistent with the overall scale of historic Phoebus.
This rezoning accompanies Zoning Ordinance Amendments 18-00008, 18-00009, 18-00010, 18-00011, 18-00012, 18-00013, and 18-00014 and Rezoning Application No. 18-00009 (file nos. 19-0011, 19-0012, 19-0015, 19-0016, 19-0018, 19-0019, 19-0020, and 19-0021).
Staff Recommendation:
Planning Commission Recommendation: