Ordinance To Amend And Reenact Chapter 8, Article 7 Of The Zoning Ordinance Of The City Of Hampton, Virginia Entitled “Special Districts” By Amending Article 7 Entitled “Phoebus Districts” By Amending PH-1 - Phoebus Business District
Background Statement:
Phoebus Business (PH-1) was adopted in 2015 following the review and update of the Phoebus Master Plan (2007, as amended). This district focuses on development form in order to further the policies of the Master Plan, especially as it relates to enhancing the historic, main street pattern of the commercial core of Phoebus. Over the last few years, staff has brought forward a few tweaks to the district, as is common with new concepts and regulations. The City has also recognized new investment, seen additional inquiries, and received additional insight from the community. This amendment is in combination with a number of others intended to provide a better tool for implementing the Phoebus Master Plan and delivering appropriate regulation across the mixed-use center of Phoebus.
Based upon the Master Plan’s recommended development patterns creating a unique main street character founded in the neighborhood’s historic structure and coupled with the need to facilitate appropriate growth, three distinct districts are recommended for adoption. The PH-1 district is the densest of the three and has the strictest development requirements. It is also the district that is proposed to be placed on the area with the most intact historic commercial development, roughly stretching along Mallory Street from County Street to Mellen Street and down Mellen Street from Mallory Street to Hope Street. This area is largely distinguished by narrow, two story buildings that sit just behind the sidewalk and have large storefront windows. The proposed regulations are firmer than the ones currently adopted and would serve to ensure that future development is in keeping with this pattern.
While the standards requi...
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