Resolution Authorizing an Increase of More than 25% of Original Contract Price Awarded Under ITB 19-02/CLP to T.J. Crooks Inc. for Maritime Center Relieving Platform Improvements as Required by Hampton City Code § 2-336
In 2018, the Department of Public Works solicited a formal bid under ITB 19-02/CLP for the removal and replacement of the utility hanger assemblies section of PVC conduit and concrete repairs for the Hampton Maritime Center Relieving Platform. The bid was awarded to T.J. Crooks Inc. as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder at a quoted price of $94,836.00. Subsequent to the award, a change order was submitted and approved for to repair additional concrete damage in the amount of $9,404.10. More damage has since been uncovered that must be repaired for the safety of public use. This will require an additional change order expected to be in the sum of $53,758.49, bringing the cumulative total of change orders to $63,162.59, which equates to an approximate 67% increase over the original contract price. Hampton City Code § 2-336 requires the advanced written approval of City Council in order to increase a contracted amount by more than 25% or $30,000, whichever is greater.
Approval by City Council to increase the contract price would allow the department to issue a change order modifying the contract to repair all of the hidden damages located during construction. The scope of work under the existing contract. T.J. Crooks, Inc. consist of removal and replacement of utility hanger assemblies sections of PVC conduit, and concrete repairs. T.J. Crooks Inc. change orders for the additional repairs are reasonable, and staff believes that this is the most efficient and cost effective way to have the additional repairs fixed.
Net Impact of $53,758.49 in additional funding for the Maritime Center Relieving Platform Improvements.
Approve Resolution
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