Rezoning Application No. 16-00006 by the City of Hampton to rezone 336.57± acres including LRSNs 13004300, 13004301, 13003684, 13003685, 13003686, 13003687, 13003688, 13003689, 13003690, 13003691, the portion of LRSN 13004302 not within the inner fort, a portion of LRSN 13003672 (the portion which generally includes the waterfront areas of the parcel and the areas of open space as shown on the map), a portion of LRSN 13003682 (the portion which generally includes the Reeder Circle park and the open space containing the sports field between Stilwell Road and Patch Road), a portion of LRSN 13003683 (the portion which generally includes the waterfront areas along McNair Drive), a portion of LRSN 13003692 (the portion which generally includes the waterfront walkways), and a portion of LRSN 13003696 (the portion which generally includes the waterfront areas along McNair Drive and between McNair Drive and Tidball Road), as shown on the attached map, from One Family Residential (R-13) District to Parks and Open Space General (PO-1) District
Background Statement:
The Hampton Community Plan (2006, as amended) recommends military land use for this area but is proposed to be amended by concurrently-advertised Fort Monroe Land Use Plan (2016), which recommends public open space for this area. This rezoning is a zoning map amendment that identifies the boundaries of the PO-1 District on Fort Monroe and accompanies the adoption of the zoning ordinance text amendments associated with Fort Monroe including ZOAs 182-2016, 183-2016, 184-2016, 185-2016, 186-2016, and 187-2016.
Rezoning Application No. 16-00006, as well as the accompanying zoning ordinance amendments, implements the recommendations of the Fort Monroe Land Use Plan (2016) which was developed in response to the closure of Fort Monroe as a military base. The plan recognizes the establishment of the Fort Monroe National Monument, identifies a new mixed-use community, and recommends the preservation o...
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